Thursday, November 17, 2022

Lunch with Liv

Here's a quick vore story I wrote featuring the lovely and hungry AceTeaTime/ Liv @SweetTea143 (written and shared with her permission)

TAGS: aware, willing vore, gentle, some stomach

I hope you enjoy!

        It had been a long week for Cloud. No, actually, it had been a rough month. He was behind on an assignment for school, and found himself grudgingly heading to library after a grueling shift to do additional research. He hoped to make some headway on his studies when he notices his friend Liv working over in the corner of the quiet study wing of the building.

        Liv had long blond hair, and glasses with large rims. She was poring over a dusty tome and taking notes. She was a close friend, so Cloud figured she wouldn’t be too upset if he said a quick hello and briefly interrupted her studies. As Cloud got closer, he noticed an almost empty container of sushi next to her, and a can of Arizona Iced Tea.         “Hey, Liv. What are you up to?”         “Hmm? Oh, hi Cloud! So nice to see you! I just finished my Introduction to Witchcraft course last term, and now I’m studying Advanced Magic. Saaaay…,” she took a long sip of her drink with a purposefully exaggerated gulp before then taking a big bite of sushi, her tongue lolling out and wrapping around the delectable morsel before pulling it into her maw, “would you be interested in being my little study buddy for a few minutes?”         Liv stared up at him, her blue eyes twinkled mischievously behind her broad-rimmed glasses.         Cloud’s heart skipped a beat. “Uh… um…. maybe? What did you have in mind?”         “Welllllll,” Olivia said, “it’s just that I have to cast a shrinking spell in front of the head witch by the end of the week for my final exam. While I’ve performed the incantation several times already, my pronunciation could still be smoother. So, how about it? Want to shrink down so I can practice a bit more?” She batted her eyes and licked her lips. “Besides, Cloud, I doubt this sushi will be enough to fill me up, since I’m soooo hungryyy. Also… I know how much you like my mouth.” She giggled and bit her tongue playfully. She could feel Cloud staring and falling into her clutches with each passing second. “So, how about it? Want to be my little shrunken helper?”         “Uh, I’m not sure, Liv… I want to help you, I really do, but I have exams coming up too and I’m already behind and…”        Liv cut him off. “Mhm, I’m sure that your exams are really important too, and I promise you’ll have plenty of time to work after you help me with this spell.” A loud grumble from Liv’s belly startled them both. “See? Listen, I’m hungry, my belly is rumbling, and I haven’t finished my lunch yet. Just let me shrink you down and add you to my meal. I’m sure that my gut will help melt your worries away…” Olivia leaned forward with a mischievous smile. “It won’t hurt, and I know another spell to extract and reform you once we’re done having our fun.”         Although Cloud was still not fully convinced, Liv could tell that he was close. He just needed one last little nudge.         “Ok, fine—we can compromise. Listen, I can also cast a spell to light up my insides so that you can study or do whatever else in my tummy and not get behind. I’ll even give you an enchanted baggie to keep all of your things dry on the trip down my throat. Now will you be a good snack and join my meal?”         Cloud gulped, but nodded in agreement. His mouth felt dry, but whether from excitement or nerves, he couldn’t tell.         Liv then closed her eyes and began chanting the incantation. The words were in a language completely unfamiliar to Cloud, but he was more distracted by how almost instantly, he felt a tingle all around him, and his fluffy extremities tingled. His vision then became fuzzy, and within seconds he found himself looking up, up, up at his now gigantic friend. Liv was now a mountain, beaming down broadly at him. Cloud felt like a mouse cornered by an eager cat, though he could not deny that Liv looked even more beautiful from this angle.         Liv’s voice rumbled overhead: “Oh, you look so cute, Cloud. Not to mention tasty.”         Cloud yelped as Olivia gently pinched him from behind with chopsticks and lifted him up towards her face. She furrowed her brow as her blue eyes strained to focus on him. “Woah,” she whispered, “I always forget how detailed and fragile everything looks like at your scale.” Liv then lowered him toward her soft, pink lips and gave him a quick kiss. Cloud nearly fainted from delight as plush lips surrounded his entire body, but he was shaken out of his daydream when he felt himself lowered towards the swimming pool of soy sauce below him. Liv dunked him in the sauce, making sure that she covered all of Cloud’s spongey body with the salty liquid. Cloud felt himself become heavier as his body soaked up the savory soy sauce.         Now dripping wet, Cloud looked up as Olivia’s girlish giggle boomed far above him. Seconds later, his giantess of a classmate picked him up between thumb and forefinger before lifting him up to her waiting maw. She plopped her “snack” inside and then opened her maw wide, batting Cloud around in her mouth with her tongue. Cloud could see the library desk framed by Olivia’s teeth, and then his own face on a phone screen as Liv took a selfie. “This will be good blackmail for future teases, don’t you think?” her voice rumbled. “But look at me, playing with my food… Heh. Be a dear and say hello to the other sushi sloshing around in my gut, will ya? Alright… Byeeee, Cloudie. Enjoy your trip.”         Olivia’s meaty uvula slapped Cloud on the way down as she swallowed with a wet GLK. Cloud felt powerful undulating movements guide him down her throat. As he descended, he could hear Liv’s thudding heartbeats increase in tempo. Cloud blushed as he realized that Liv was enjoying this at least as much as him.         Cloud landed in his classmate’s cavernous stomach with a plop, falling on a heap of digesting rice which cushioned his fall. He sloshed around in the humid darkness for a few moments, trying in vain to get his bearings. Eventually Cloud heard Liv’s muffled voice outside as she cast yet another spell, and soon a small orb of light appeared in front of him that lit the stomach’s interior. The light illuminated the fleshy walls with a warm, comfy glow that reminded Cloud of a campfire. He instantly felt more at ease.         A few more pieces of sushi dropped in, followed by a cascade of iced tea.         Entranced, Cloud heard churning, gurgling sounds all around him. He noticed that mounds of rice, sushi, and spicy Ramen noodles were all melting away into sludge within his gigantic friend’s gut.         To his own surprise, Cloud felt no fear, trusting that Liv’s magic would keep him safe, knows that she’d never actually do anything to hurt him. A bit of fun at his expense was more than a fair price, a bargain really for such an incredible experience. He was so lucky to have such a wonderful, caring friend. It was incredible, but there, surrounded by the warmth and affection of his friend, he felt his cares fell away. The warmth relaxed him, and focused him, and he pulled out baggie, removed laptop, and began working on his own research with renewed confidence.         Meanwhile, Liv on the outside also content and full as she continued to study. She patted her tummy contently. Feeling more confident about her prospects of nailing spell, she hit the books too and returned to studies. THE END

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Sam's Scam (first commissioned story!!)

TAGS: cruel, couples, feet, spit, vore

                                                             Sam's Scam    

        Everything was going my way, and I was super excited. My ex-girlfriend Sam was back in town, and she had texted a few minutes ago asking if I wanted to come over and visit. Things had ended awkwardly between us a few months back, but I was confident that a little distance and time would help her see the errors of her ways. I couldn’t think of any other reason that she would invite me over to her apartment.
        Oh, how wrong I was. 
       I hummed as I drove to her place, a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates perched gingerly on my passenger seat. I was determined to make things right and get her back. I parked in front of her place and ran up the stairs to her apartment, practically skipping with excitement. 
        Sam opened the door, her long, wavy red hair cascading around her shoulders. She looked ravishing in a tight, lacey teal top and matching skirt that flared around her knees. Staring down at the floor so as to not make things too awkward too fast, I noticed that she was wearing the shoes I considered my favorite-- red Converse.  
        “It’s so good to see you, Tyler! And oh, you brought flowers! How sweet!” I felt my cheeks redden as she leaned forward and gave me a big hug, her perky breasts pressed against my chest. Sam then led me into her luxurious living room before turning around and announcing, “You know, I too have something for you. It’s right here, don’t go anywhere!”
        Sam returned a few seconds later cradling a small black box. She then carefully withdrew a silver device that looked like a laser pointer.
        “This,” Sam said, brandishing the device with a flourish, “is a shrinking device.” She must have seen the surprise and joy on my face, because she continued: “Oh, did you think I’d forgotten about your interest in huge giant women towering over you? Of course not! And I figured that shrinking you would be a good way to change things up and… you know… maybe turn over a new leaf for us?”
        I couldn’t believe my luck! Was she also thinking about hooking up again?? This was too good to be true! We’d soon be a couple again, and her offering to shrink me was just the icing on the cake!  
       “I’ll take your big grin and mute astonishment as permission to proceed,” Sam said coyly as she aimed the device at me. Seconds later, I was bathed in a blue light that caused my body to tingle pleasantly. The last thing I remember seeing at my typical size was Sam’s smiling, pleased face far above me before the blue light grew dark and I blacked out...


        When I woke up, the first thing I remember noticing was that I was only in my underwear. I climbed over my discarded pile of clothes and crested the mountain ridge that had once been my polo shirt, expecting to see Sam’s smile shining above me like the sun. Instead, a smug grin twisted my ex’s features. Just as I was processing this turn of events, a thunderous second set of footsteps echoed behind me. A second giant?! Every one of their steps made the floor quake violently, and I soon lost my footing and stumbled backwards into my pile of clothes. 
        I gulped. This other giant sounded significantly bigger than Sam. 
       Fuck, was all of this some sort of elaborate trap?! With a sinking feeling, I craned my neck up, up, and up and beheld Brad, the guy that Sam had dumped me for, looming over me.  He had been several inches taller than me back when I was regular size, so seeing him the size of a skyscraper made me almost piss myself with fear. He wore a red and black plaid shirt and khakis, though my attention (and field of vision) was mostly taken up by his house-sized boots that were now planted directly in front of me. 
        My giant rival sneered down at me, and in that moment, I wanted to find a hole and hide. I felt so utterly outclassed. Fuck, he was simply so much bigger, stronger... straight-up better than me….  
        As if Sam was privy to the panicked thoughts in my head, she leaned over and kissed Brad fully on the lips. Such a simple gesture almost cost me my life as their immense feet barely missed turning me into paste. I stared upwards in awe and jealousy as the two mountainous beings locked lips above me, and with every passing second I felt punier and more terrified. Once she was satisfied, Sam then returned her attention to me. 
        “Oh please, Tyler-- you’re seriously surprised? You weren’t man enough for me even when you were full-size. How could you possibly expect to please me now that you’re the size of a cockroach? See Brad here? He’s the man you could never be.” She stroked her boyfriend’s powerful arms and shoulders sensually. “Still, I like to think of myself as a fair and benevolent goddess, so I propose a contest to see who truly deserves me.” I noticed that Brad rolled his eyes as Sam spoke, and I got the sense that he just wanted to crush me out of existence and be done with this game. 
        “You really want to keep this pest around, babe? I could just flatten him,” Brad rumbled.
        “And ruin our fun?” Sam pouted. “No, love, this will be better, trust me.” 
        With a satisfied sigh, Sam slammed her butt down onto her couch and laid back. She then removed her red Converse sneakers and peeled off her socks. The deafening crashes caused as she tossed her shoes aside made me cover my ears and squeak in fright. Sam then reached down and wrapped her tree trunk-sized fingers around me. I felt my stomach drop as I was roughly lifted and dumped onto the coffee table in front of the couch. Seconds later, Sam placed both of her bare feet on the table with twin resounding THWOOMS that rattled my bones. 
        Sam glared down and commanded me to massage her feet. I looked up, up, up at the vast plains of her soles as they towered over me, each wrinkle a mighty ridge. I pressed into her feet with all of my strength, but her sole didn’t budge at all. I pressed harder and harder, driving with my legs as if I was performing a football tackle.
        Still nothing. 
        I heard another loud sigh above me before Sam lifted her immense feet off of the table and placed them on Brad’s lap. Hands the size of houses flexed as he pressed his thumbs into her soft soles. What I had failed to accomplish with my entire body, Brad was now doing with just two of his fingers. 
        As Sam closed her eyes and leaned back in pleasure, I momentarily lost all hope. Brad was just so much better than me... at everything… but no! I couldn’t give up. Sam was mine! I had to find a way to prove myself more worthy of her than this oafish brute… 
My thoughts were interrupted by Sam’s voice booming from above: “Well, you proved to be utterly useless at giving foot massages, insect, but maybe you’ll be better at cleaning my dirty Converse, hmm? I remember how much you liked them, how annoying you were asking me to wear them all the time... Well, here you are!” She dropped a sneaker in front of me, the shockwave caused by its fall throwing me off-balance. I landed in a heap as the two giants once again ignored me and tried to pick a movie to watch. 
I should have run at that moment. It was my chance to escape. But despite how Sam was treating me, she looked stunning in her lacey teal dress, and seeing her big enough to fill my entire world was too much. I had to win her back. I at least had to try! 
        I began my task with the devotion of a man possessed. First, I ripped what little remained of my own clothes to use as a rag. I then buffed and polished the white edges of her shoe. In some areas of the titanic sneaker, I even had to shovel out mud and grit with my nails. My arms soon felt like they were on fire, but I soldiered on. When sweat dripped down my brow as I scrubbed, I used my own perspiration to polish Sam’s shoe further. Eventually, I started feeling hopeful, confident that my small size and proximity would help me notice every speck of offending dirt and banish it. 
  I was so consumed by my mission that I didn’t notice the movie was over until I heard my titanic captors shift above me. My back and arms ached and I was drenched in sweat, but I was proud of my work and eagerly awaited Sam’s inspection. 
Sam reached for her wine and noticed me as if for the first time. “Fuck, you’re still down there?!” she barked. “You’re really stupid, you know that? You probably could have escaped while we were distracted by our movie. Guess your brains really did shrink when you became smaller… Then again, if you had run away, you would have ended up as lunch for a spider or a cockroach... Alright, you little shit, let’s see how much dirt you cleaned off of my Conv-- are you FUCKING kidding me, bug? You didn’t do shit!”
         I felt my insides turn to ice. How could she not see how hard I’d tried to please and serve her? But Sam was just getting started. 
        “Brad was a total gentleman and gave you over an hour’s head start! Did you clean my shoes at all?” she roared. “Of course you didn’t! Ugh, this is exactly WHY we broke up, you never try and you’re so damned lazy!” 
Sam’s hand reached past me, returning a few seconds later with a crumpled white sock clenched tightly in her fist. 
“Gah, you’re disgusting. The only thing you’re worthy of is my toe jam. Enjoy.” 
Sam then dropped the sock on top of me, and I was instantly overwhelmed by its weight. It was a battle to get out from underneath her hot and humid sock, but somehow I escaped from the damp darkness. Once I was free, I gulped down lungfuls of fresh air. 
        My victory was short lived, however, as Sam brought her face so close to me that her voice and breath hit me with the power of a hurricane.  
        “Remember this: all you ever were to me was an itty. Bitty. Bug. Bitch.”  
        Sam then pinched me by the waist with her manicured fingers and dropped me unceremoniously into a circular metal container. I scraped my arms and legs as I fell, and cursed. Where was I now? Wherever it was, it was a tight space; I barely had enough room to untangle myself and stand. I examined the “walls” of my new cage, deducing from the dimpled surface and metallic sheen that I was inside of an empty thimble. 
        Suddenly, my world grew dark. Sam’s face appeared over the edge of my prison, her lips puckered. Although part of me foolishly expected a kiss, Sam began spitting into the thimble. Her warm and frothy saliva smelled faintly of alcohol, and within seconds I was drenched. Just as the level of spit reached my chest and I was preparing to swim, Sam stopped and disappeared from view. My sigh of relief became a gasp of horror as Brad’s face then floated over me, lips also pursed and ready to add his own spit to my disgusting “bath.” 
        As I began “treading water” to keep my head above the surface, Sam taunted: “This is the closest you’ll ever get to kissing me ever again, gnat.” 
        How could she be having so much fun at my expense?!? Surely this was some sick joke… or… or a mistake! Yes! I’m sure that if I just…    
        My thoughts were interrupted when I noticed an evil glint in Brad’s eyes.
        “Actually, Sam, I think I have an idea…” He held the thimble steady with one hand while digging me out with two fingers. He then lifted me carelessly and held me close to Sam’s lips. 
        “We’ve played with this loser enough, no? I think it’s time to give him what he really wants…” 
        Sam locked eyes first with Brad, and then with me. “Well, guess I lied earlier, Tyler... This is our final kiss,” she said as she licked her lips, “so I hope you savor it. I know I will.”  
        Lips that I longed to kiss parted, revealing a wet, pink tongue and perfectly white teeth. Sam licked me once, her fully extended tongue exposing her slick uvula quivering far in the back of her maw. She then tossed me into her mouth unceremoniously and batted me around with her tongue. It was like trying to wrestle a fleshy whale, and I was soon overwhelmed. As I struggled in vain within the darkness of my ex’s mouth, a deafening moan reverberated around the pink cavern that was now my prison. 
        If nothing else, at least Sam thought I tasted good. That was a comfort, albeit a small one. 
        Sam toyed with me for a few minutes, sucking on me like a candy. Once I had no more energy left to resist, she shoved me with her tongue towards her back molars. I felt her jaw flex and engage below, and I screamed as the upper teeth lowered toward me. I closed my eyes, expecting to be ground to a pulp, but incredibly the bite never came. Instead, Sam “gently” chewed me, applying enough pressure that I was bruised, but not so much that I popped like a grape. 
        Then, with no warning, Sam raised her tongue and I was tossed back into the dark abyss of her throat and gulped down with a wet GLRK.
        Darkness. A seeming eternity of wet, pulsing void.
       The whole time her throat pushed me down, I could hear Sam and Brad laughing at my predicament like two Olympian gods amused by the struggles of a lowly supplicant. When the narrow, slimy confines of Sam's esophagus gave way to her stomach, I landed with a splash in the roiling sludge inside her gut. Her stomach reeked of rotting meat and alcohol. Once my eyes adjusted to the darkness of Sam’s bowels, I recognized mounds of chewed-up steak, potatoes, and green beans strewn around me. 
        Apparently Brad had taken her out to a nice restaurant earlier. 
      As if she was in my head, Sam’s voice echoed around the cavern of her gut: “I forgot to mention; please enjoy the remains of my nice meal. Unlike YOU, Brad took me out to that fancy restaurant I always told you I wanted to visit. But I guess I shouldn’t be too upset, since this meal probably cost more than what you make in two weeks! No way you could have afforded it. Not that your dead-end job matters anymore. Enjoy stewing away in my gut and becoming a part of me, loser!” 
        Several muted thunderclaps from outside caused the food and bile around me to shift and churn. All of the movements and the darkness were disorienting, but I was still lucid enough to picture Sam patting her satisfied belly with a smug look on her face. 
        I held on to the small consolation prize that I had at least brought Sam some small amount of pleasure in my final moments. I then closed my eyes, and drifted off into oblivion within her churning gut. 

                                                        THE END 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021


 TAGS: F/m, crush, transformation 

The universe giveth, and the universe taketh away. Either way, the universe is always listening. 

It all started when I received a panicked phone call from my friend Rebecca. 

“Hey! I’m so, so sorry to bother you, but my boyfriend is out of town on a business trip and I need your help taking care of this gross… bug that I found running around our apartment. Do you think you could come over please?” 

Rebecca was kind and funny, so I always enjoyed when we got to hang out. The fact that she was stunningly attractive didn’t hurt either. 

I threw on my sneakers and jogged over to her townhouse a few blocks down the street.  I’d barely finished knocking when she opened the door. She was wearing a white sleeveless shirt that hugged the curves of her breasts, and short baby blue shorts that barely covered her butt. Her straight, chestnut brown hair was down, and although I could see she was flustered, she still smiled warmly when she saw me. 

“Oh my gosh, thank you again for coming over!I know I’m being a bit ridiculous, but this  insect is so gross it’s driving me crazy... Anyway, come in, come in,” she said as she opened the door widely enough for me to pass. 

As I made my way towards her living room, I walked by a wall-mounted shoe rack with  rows upon rows of Rebecca’s shoes adorning it. There were boots with chunky heels, stilettos, flats… even some wedges and beat-up Converse sneakers! My breath caught in my throat as I stared, so it was a good thing that Rebecca was already in the next room. 

“Hey, I’m over here!” she called. 

I snuck one last peek at her high heels, sighed wistfully, and then followed Rebecca’s voice. It took a concerted effort to pull myself away from her tantalizing footwear. 

When I walked into Rebecca’s bedroom, I was greeted by an incredible sight. She was on her hands and knees looking under the bed, her round bottom high in the air. “I’m pretty sure it’s a silverfish, by the way. You know-- long bodies and antennae, lots of legs, spiky tail, stupid fast? Know what I’m talking about?”

“Mmmh” was all I could manage in response. 

Rebecca continued, oblivious. “I’m pretty sure silverfish like darkness too... I saw it

scurry under my bed right before you got here.” 

“Mmmh,” I said again. I’m nothing if not eloquent. 

“Are you even listening to me?” 

“Yes, of course. Just thinking about how we’re going to get this bug. That’s all."

“K, just checking. How about you look under the bed, see if you can spot it? I’ll be right back.” Rebecca got up and left the room while I bent down and searched for the intruder under her bed. I saw several tupperware bins filled with clothes and a few dust bunnies, but no silverfish. 

After a few moments, I heard footsteps behind me and then past me. Rebecca’s slippered feet then appeared on the opposite side of the bed.  

“See it?” she asked. 

“I’m sorry, not yet.”

“Well, keep looking,” she said. “You know, I really appreciate you coming over so quickly by the way. And I’m sorry, I really am! I should be able to do this on my own, but I just… bugs and I don’t mix, you know?” Her chuckle was sweet, like bells tinkling.  “That said, can you imagine how fucking massive we must look to this bug? I mean, I’m barely 5’3 but compared to it I’m a total giant! And yet I’m probably more scared of it than it is of me! It’s kinda funny, in a way.” 

That darn cute laugh again. In that moment, I was so thankful I was out of her view as I closed my eyes and imagined Rebecca as a giant towering over me. I shivered. 

Once I regained my composure, I shimmied backwards from under the bed. Rebecca had walked over to me, and I looked up at her, still on my knees. My eyes were level with her baby blue shorts and toned thighs. Does she not know how attractive she is? Is this all one big game to her, or is she honestly this oblivious? 

As if determined to further push me over the brink, Rebecca took another step closer to me.   

“You know where I first found the bug? Inside one of these slippers!” she chuckled, pointing at the tan LL Bean slippers she was wearing. 

I’d kill to be this bug, I thought. 

“Well, anyway, maybe the little bugger escaped and went back to the living room,” Rebecca said. “It’s a fast little fucker! Come on.” 

She hustled into the living room and I followed, trying hard not to stare at her butt too obviously. 

She stopped abruptly.  

“There it is! Get it!” she urged, and I looked where she was pointing, remembering the 

“real” reason I was visiting. There, between the couch and coffee table, was an inch-long silverfish. While its long antennae twitched every few seconds, it was otherwise immobile. 

I slowly reached for a magazine on the coffee table and then inched closer, not waiting to startle the silverfish and cause it to hide again. I raised the magazine over my head and prepared to--

“Hey, do you want to use this shoe instead? Heavier, you know.” 

I looked up at Rebecca, and time stood still. 

Her long, toned legs were at my eye level, and I could barely see her face poking out past her breasts as Rebecca stared down at me. She extended a tan boot with chunky heels to me, and I uttered a silent prayer of thanks that I was already kneeling. As I turned from her to face my foe, all I could think about was how I would have given anything to trade places with that silverfish… 

I blinked, and for a second everything looked blurry. Once my vision cleared, I found 

myself looking up, up, up at Rebecca. She was looking down at me, hands on her hips. I could do nothing but stare at her hazel eyes, and her thin, elegant lips. Suddenly, her brow furrowed, and she glared at me with a look of revulsion. Her expression scared me so much that I raised my antennae to fend her off, and-- 

Wait, what in the actual fuck??!

I tried stepping away from her, but my six segmented legs refused to work, and I just writhed on the floor. This caused Rebecca to squeal and then groan in disgust, a rumbling sound like distant thunder. 

I felt emotions that my new insectile brain was too primitive to process. Everything felt both distant and painfully urgent at the same time. I tried blinking, but my new compound eyes rendered such a simple maneuver impossible.

I saw Rebecca lean forward, and then back to talk to… me

“My” body stood behind her, confusion and relief twisting “my” features. The silverfish, now in the driver’s seat of my body, shuffled backwards, bumping into a chair and table as it did so. It then ran out of the room. 

Rebecca stared at “me” and yelled, “Wait! Where are you going? We have it cornered! Come back! Come… oh ok, I guess I’ll do this myself.” She screwed her eyes tight in a gesture that in any other circumstance would have been adorable, and reached for the chunky-heeled boot that I’d placed next to the coffee table. 

Rebecca yelled at my doppelganger one last time, but by this point “I” was long gone. Rebecca leaned closer and lifted her boot over my head, the flat sole filling my entire field of vision. I tried running, but all I managed with my multi-jointed legs was a fit of spasms. My antenna twitched frantically, sending panicked messages down my ganglia.

It was over in an instant, as Rebeca brought her shoe crashing down with brutal finality.  I tried to scream, but my chitinous mouth parts made no sound besides futile clicking. 


My exoskeleton offered no resistance as my guts splattered under the impact of Rebecca’s boot. 

But hey. 

At least I’d gotten to see her as a giantess. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020


 Tags: F/m, crush, light gore


Hunched in the darkness of the Colosseum’s tunnels, Leyna prepared to die. Calmly considering her end, Leyna reflected on how grateful she was to at least have company. In front of her she could see the broad, muscled back of her mentor, Adalgisa. Each giantess wore a leather cuirass that offered protection while not hindering their freedom of movement. While Leyna’s arms were decorated with a simple torc around each wrist, Adalgisa’s arms proudly bore the blue ritual tattoos that marked her as a valuable warrior of their tribe. Adalgisa’s slightly-graying brown hair was tied back in a ponytail, while Leyna had elected to shave the sides of her head and gather her remaining auburn hair in one long braid.

Leyna closed her eyes, remembering the Triumph where she had been paraded through the streets of Rome like a trophy. She smiled despite herself as she remembered how her throwing axe, so long that two carts could barely drag it, caused the citizens to gasp in shock.  Leyna had been chained and drugged— those damn Roman physicians had seen to that-- but she had still been aware enough to notice their fear. Since that day, Leyna had participated in several gladiatorial combats, and her axe had served her well (she still kept several tiger skins looped around her belt as trophies). Curiously, the Romans had also recently gifted her a trident hewn out of several ship masts, and a team of artists had come to apply blue kohl around her eyes. The Colosseum was a dirt arena caked with the blood of countless fallen, though, so why a trident? Heaving a sigh, Leyna gripped the handle of the unfamiliar weapon so tightly that her knuckles went white.

Leyna, make sure you focus your thoughts. I promise we’re going to get out of here, you’ll see, Adalgisa growled in her head. Leyna once again praised the gods for blessing Adalgisa with The Gift that allowed her to speak without moving her lips, because the Roman guards kept a close eye on them at all times. Not that the human guards could have understood the subsonic rumblings of our Kolossi language anyway, she thought to herself.   

           Leyna looked down at the guards by her feet, noticing that the tallest among them was barely the length of her hand. Even kneeling, she inspired terror in them. Leyna marveled, not for the first time, how small these Romans looked, how weak and fragile they were individually... And yet, had they not captured her alive and killed many others of her kind with their damned legions? Had they not annexed and built forts on some of her people’s lands far in the North? Leyna gazed around at the tunnel that dwarfed her, admitting that these Romans were nothing if not singularly tenacious and dangerous when united in purpose.

Beyond the heavy wooden gate that led to the arena, the noise of the crowd grew from the buzzing of a swarm of angry bees to the roar of a ravenous beast. As she was goaded forward with spears, Leyna noticed that the once dry, dusty dirt beneath her sandaled feet gradually was turning into mud.

Then she heard it: the lapping of waves.

No… they couldn’t have, Leyna thought to herself. Both she and Adalgisa had overheard other gladiators talking about the Colosseum being flooded to celebrate the Emperor’s birthday, but they had dismissed such gossip as the ramblings of scared men. Had these idiots truly flooded the Colosseum? Why? To prove that they could? To entertain their Emperor?

As the salty smell of ocean water wafted through the tunnels, one of the senior guards stationed on a balcony near Leyna’s head barked an order. At once, the other guards quickly ran towards the opening of the tunnel behind the giant women. The groaning of a huge crank being turned filled the tunnel as the gate lifted and water flooded the space. The giantesses had no choice but to quickly wade into the arena to avoid drowning. Blinking in the bright Mediterranean sunlight, they were assaulted by a wall of sound. Thousands of spectators crowded along the stands in a circle above their heads; people had come from throughout the Empire to watch the emperor’s naumachia.   

High, high above, Leyna could see the Emperor glowering down with a self-satisfied smirk on his lips, eating and whispering conspiratorially to his esteemed guests.

“Focus, Leyna,” Adalgisa hissed. “These people paid good money to see their fellow countrymen die at our hands. Let’s give them a show they’ll never forget.”

Leyna tore her gaze from the tumult of the stands, and looked out over the water. At least ten warships were converging towards them, banks of knife-like oars slicing the water again and again. The vessels seemed to be manned by a ragtag combination of soldiers, convicts, and slaves, and some of the oarsmen seemed hesitant as they paddled. Good, Leyna thought, we can use that to our advantage. Still, there were hundreds of armed men on those ships. Trained fighters or no, Leyna knew that enough spears or arrows would kill them. And they were fighting with a handicap, she grimly reminded herself, as she looked down at the water lapping up past her waist.

         Trumpets blared somewhere above them, and the battle commenced.

Adalgisa lunged at the biggest craft, a quinquereme, and hoisted it over her head. Dozens of tiny sailors tumbled down her back and powerful arms as the five-banks’ worth of oars waved in the air like the legs of a wounded animal. Leyna couldn’t help but marvel at the corded muscles of the older giantess’ back as Adalgisa snapped the ship in half with a sharp crack.

Adalgisa’s maneuver had the desired effect: panic. Whatever plans the other 

ships had, these ideas started quickly unraveling as the men aboard saw some of their own get pulled under the waves by the weight of their armor. Still, the archers on several ships fired volley after volley of arrows at the pair of women. Adalgisa grabbed half of the ship she had hoisted overhead and brought it down in front of her and her protégé, using it as a shield to block the bolts from the ship-mounted ballistae and archers.

         Leyna waited for a lull in the barrage of arrows before exploding from beside her mentor and stabbing her trident clear through the hull of the closest ship. Then, as if the vessel were a fish on the end of a spear, she lifted the craft out of the water and hurled it at a nearby bireme, causing a spray of shrapnel, splinters, and limbs.

Taking advantage of the chaos, both giantesses waded forward, barely even noticing the dozens of men caught in the wake caused by their powerful thighs. Leyna hefted her axe and split a ship in two with a single blow, while Adalgisa hacked another two ships apart with her short sword. The sounds of snapping timber blended with the cries of drowning men and the crashing of the waves as the giantesses performed their grim work. High above them, the Emperor leaned forward nervously, feeling a twinge of awe and fear.

Thunk thunk thunk. Several arrows found Adalgisa’s exposed shoulders, and she let out a howl of pain that morphed into a roar of anger as she broke the arrows and wrapped her hand around the chain restraining her. She pulled the chain underneath an oncoming ship and then yanked it up in one fluid motion, snapping the boat in two like a toy and sending oars and men flying into the air.

The crowd screamed and cheered even louder.

Seeing an opening, Leyna attempted to pull her own chain out of the wall. Despite all of her strength, the chain held fast. “Adalgisa, I need help!” Adalgisa strode to Leyna, brushing aside some drowning soldiers as she did so, and then wrapped her hand around Leyna’s chain and heaved. The heavy iron chain was no match for the combined strength of the giantesses, and it tore loose from the wall in a tumble of stone and concrete.  

For a heartbeat, neither of the women could see past the cloud of debris.  

The next second, Adalgisa cried out in pain and dropped her sword as the biggest remaining ship, a trireme, plunged its metal ram deep into her abdomen. With tremendous effort, the older giantess gripped the ship fast with her massive hands and began to squeeze. 

Leyna was unable to speak; Adalgisa looked at her wide-eyed protégé and roared, “Go! Now!”

“Not without you, Adalgisa!”

“I’ll be right behind you! Now for our Goddess’ sake, GO!!”

Leyna turned and stared up at the wall of the arena. Jumping with her arms extended, she grabbed the edge of the stands and pulled herself up. As the looming form of the giantess rose from the battlefield, the spectators trampled each other in a frenzied attempt to not be crushed themselves. Dripping wet and exhausted, Leyna bounded over the stands to avoid the arrows of the guards posted along the arena’s rim. Down below, she could hear Adalgisa crumple the ship in a titanic bear-hug.

Just before vaulting over the walls of the Colosseum, Leyna looked behind her one last time. She searched desperately for her mentor, but there was no sign of Adalgisa. Leyna wasn’t sure if it was adrenaline or not, but she swore she heard one last Go! Now! in her head before she jumped down into the city and sprinted toward the tree line.




Deep in a forest hundreds of miles from the capital, Leyna rested her hand against the side of a tree to catch her breath. It had been several days since she’d escaped the madness of the Colosseum. As long as she stayed away from civilized areas and large troop movements, she’d live. She knew enough to survive in the wild; Adalgisa had seen to that. As she once again thought of her mentor, Leyna’s heart sank and she choked back a sob. Adalgisa’s last moments had been spent urging her on and saving her life. Leyna truly had thought the other giantess had been right behind her, but now…

How could I have been so… selfish? she thought angrily.

She looked out over green hills in the direction she had come, towards the thrice-cursed city of Rome. Then, with a howl in Kolossi that sounded like the grinding of stones, she swore revenge.

She would be back. And next time, she would not be alone.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Stud in a Stud

This is my first size story, and I'm very excited to share it with you. I hope you enjoy!

Themes: Mouthplay, body exploration, unaware, aware.


I lay awake in the early morning hours, the only sound I could hear the gentle breathing of my wife Allie sleeping next to me. She was curled up on her right side facing me, and her lips twitched slightly into a smile as if she were in the middle of a pleasant dream. She looked so peaceful and beautiful that it made my heart ache. After checking that my wrist-mounted shrinking device had enough power, I turned the dial to my desired size, pressed the button, and shrunk down to two inches tall. Being one of the most successful beta testers for size-changing technology at my company had its advantages, as by now my body had been exposed to shrinking so many times that it had become quite acclimated to the process. Once I reached my reduced size, I barely made an indent in the mattress as I walked towards my sleeping wife’s face.

I stopped for a second to pause and appreciate the breathtaking sight before me. Allie’s long, curly, strawberry-blonde hair framed her high cheekbones and delicate chin as she slept. I followed the slope of her gently rounded nose, spotting my ultimate destination rising and falling gently with each of her breaths: my wife’s nose stud. Even in our dimly-lit bedroom, the circular silver stud shone faintly with each inhale as it caught a small ray of sunlight creeping over my wife’s face. 

I scrambled up our soft down comforter and continued my trek onto her pillow. From this angle the majority of my view was dominated by the underside of Allie’s jaw, though I could catch the smallest glimpse of the tip of her nose a few yards ahead of me. As I rounded the curve of her chin and approached her face proper, I activated the dial on my wrist and shrunk down even more. While at two inches my head was even with the tip of her nose as she lay on her right side, I was in the mood to be much, much smaller. Almost instantaneously, I made myself the size of a grain of sand.

As I continued my journey along my spouse’s pillow, I delighted in the view my new perspective afforded me. Since the right side of Allie’s face was buried in her pillow, the middle of her thin, elegant lips was almost even with me. As I got nearer, I could see the tips of her white teeth rising like the walls of a castle behind the rosy rolling hills of her partly open lips. I found myself unable to resist touching those lips that I so loved to kiss, and I soon found myself climbing up my unaware wife’s lower lip. It was so soft that even at my diminutive size my feet sank slightly into the pillow-like flesh.

My journey became undeniably harder the closer I got to Allie’s mouth. Directly to my left, the two dark tunnels of my wife’s nostrils flared rhythmically with each breath she took. At this size, her soft breathing still caused warm winds that whipped around me and blew my hair into my face. I shivered despite the warmth, reminded that even my wife’s smallest movements were awe-inspiring and potentially deadly at my current size.

         After one particularly forceful exhalation, I was blown back enough that I scrambled to catch myself with my hands. Now on all fours, I felt like I was bowing at the foot of a goddess, and I could not resist the urge to give my wife a kiss on the lips. I buried my face into the spongy flesh, losing myself for at least a minute in its softness. Time seemed to stand still, until a low, feminine rumble from below snapped me out of my trance. It was as if my wife had felt my kiss and desired to hurry me along, but I knew that that was impossible given the current size difference between us.

A few seconds later, however, my spouse’s lips began parting more and more, gradually gaining speed. The movement of her upper and lower jaw muscles engaging below me felt like an earthquake, and I scrambled to straddle her lips in a bearhug as my hair was blown towards her mouth and I could feel a massive, irresistible intake of breath.

         My wife yawned widely, making no attempt to cover her mouth or otherwise restrain herself in her sleepy state. Over a football field directly ahead of me, I could see the broad roof of her mouth framed by the white grinding surfaces of her upper teeth. At the widest point of her yawn, I made the mistake of looking deep down into Allie’s cavernous mouth. The wide tongue wagged for a few moments before flattening down, fully exposing the tunnel of her throat and the uvula swinging above. I even saw one strand of saliva that was thicker than I was tall vibrate in the wet, warm darkness of her maw.

For several seconds that lasted what seemed to be an eternity, a part of me feared I’d be sucked down her gullet by the gale force winds caused by her sudden inhalation. Then, as quickly as it had opened, my wife’s mouth closed again. I was in the middle of catching my own breath when I was pulled directly upwards as one corner of her mouth rose to form a smirk. My world trembled yet again as her lips moved to form words: “Mmhmm… Good morning, stud.” My wife was speaking in what she must have thought was a husky whisper, but to me her voice was feminine thunder. A combination of mint toothpaste and morning breath washed over me with every syllable.

“Good morning, my love,” I chirped. “Sorry I woke you up!”

“You better be sorry. I was having the nicest dream about laying on a warm beach with you swimming in my strawberry daiquiri… Don’t worry too much though, my alarm was about to ring soon anyways. I have that big presentation today, remember?”

“Of course I remember,” I said quickly. “That’s why I wanted to climb aboard your nose stud while you slept! I wanted to surprise you so that you would take me to work with you, and I could be your moral support!” Then after a pause, I added, “Uh, do we have enough time for me to make it all the way to your nose?”

“Hmm,” Allie considered. “Yes, I think so. But you better get a move on. Chop, chop and all that. I’ll need a big breakfast today, and I don’t think you’d want to still be on my lips when I eat my oatmeal and bagel with cream cheese.”

Truth be told, that actually sounded delightful, but I knew my wife would soon be in a rush to get out the door. If I was going to end up in her food and be toyed with, I wanted both of us to take the time to enjoy the experience. My team and I had only recently found a way to lace the experimental shrinking serum we were testing with a second solution that would render one highly resistant to physical injury, so my wife and I were eager to explore the possibilities together. Alas, for now, that would have to wait.

         “Well, let’s not push it,” I said. “Maybe you could give me a lift please?”

         Allie smirked again, her lips pulling me upwards with the normally dainty movement. Then, she removed her immense battleship-sized left hand from beneath the covers and gingerly touched her lips with fingertips the size of redwoods. I clambered onto her index finger’s nail, momentarily humbled by how her nail’s thickness was almost as long as I was tall. “All set!” I yelled once I was safely aboard her fingernail. Even though by this point my wife had practiced handling me shrunken several times and she was moving as carefully as possible, I still felt a bit queasy as she lifted me up and then deposited me in the valley created by the slope of her nose and its left wing. I had to watch my footing so as to not tumble down the incline of her nose or get stuck in oily residue, but eventually I made my way further along the top of my wife’s left nostril.

After a few minutes, I reached my wife’s nose stud. At my current size, the “small” piece of jewelry was the size of a modest apartment. I walked around its “polished” surface, marveling at the jagged imperfections in the metal that were only noticeable at my tiny size. Once I found and opened the entrance hatch, I waited for the space in between my wife’s exhale and inhale before climbing aboard. The inside of the nose stud was a marvel of engineering, as the inner chamber was on a gyroscopic assembly that made the “floor” remain level with the actual ground regardless of my wife’s position. Exhausted from my trip, I reached into the mini-fridge, poured myself a glass of orange juice, and plopped down on the couch that I sometimes used as a bed. I then looked out of the windows of my “apartment,” which from the outside of the stud appeared to be simply rhinestones. The view quickly changed from our bedroom roof to a bedside lamp, and I was thankful for the shock absorbers installed in the nose stud as my wife got out of bed and planted her two feet on the floor with two hefty booms.

“Ready for breakfast, my intrepid explorer?” rumbled my giant wife.  

“You bet!” I replied into the stud’s communications array, which was connected to an earpiece my wife wore. Then, chomping on a juicy red apple I had grabbed from the counter, I began thinking of ways I could support my wife through her presentation as a passenger on her nose stud.


Lunch with Liv

Here's a quick vore story I wrote featuring the lovely and hungry AceTeaTime/ Liv @SweetTea143 (written and shared with her permission)...